Source code for pytheas.scatt2D.femmodel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Benjamin Vial
# License: MIT

Finite Element model of 2D media


import numpy as np
from import femio
from ..basefem import *

[docs]class Scatt2D(BaseFEM): """A class for a finite element model of a 2D medium""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.dir_path = get_file_path(__file__) #: str: analysys type (either "direct" or "modal") self.analysis = "direct" #: str: polarisation of the incident plane wave #: (either "TE" or "TM") self.pola = "TE" self.nb_incl = 1 # Incident plane wave parameters #: flt: incident plane wave amplitude self.A = 1.0 #: flt: incident plane wave wavelength in free space self.lambda0 = 1.0 #: flt: wavelength to use for meshing self.lambda_mesh = 1.0 #: flt : incident plane wave angle (in degrees). #: Light comes from the top #: (travels along -y if normal incidence, `theta_deg=0` is set) self.theta_deg = 0.0 #: line source position self.ls_flag = False self.xs = 0 self.ys = 0 #: beam? self.beam_flag = False self.waist = 1.5 # opto-geometric parameters ------------------------------------------- self.h_pml = 2.0 #: flt: thickness pml self.hx_des = 2.0 #: flt: x - thickness scattering box (design) self.hy_des = 2.0 #: flt: y - thickness scattering box self.a_pml = 1 #: flt: PMLs parameter, real part self.b_pml = 1 #: flt: PMLs parameter, imaginary part self.eps_host = 1 #: flt: permittivity host self.eps_sub = 1 #: flt: permittivity substrate self.eps_des = 1 #: flt: permittivity scattering box self.eps_incl = 1 #: flt: permittivity inclusion self.dom_des = 5 #: design domain number (check .geo/.pro files) # postprocessing ------------------------------------------------- #: coords of point for PostProcessing self.xpp, self.ypp = 0, 0 #: int: number of theta points for computing the angular dependance #: of the modal coupling coefficients self.Ni_theta = 45 self.M_fs = 3 self.Nibox_x = 500 #: int: number of x interpolation points on the design box self.Nibox_y = 500 #: int: number of y interpolation points on the design box #: int: number of x interpolation points for near to far field calculations self.Nin2f_x = 500 #: int: number of y interpolation points for near to far field calculations self.Nin2f_y = 500 self.rat_n2f = 0.95 self.inclusion_filename_ = "inclusion0.geo" #: int: number of y slices points #: for postprocessing diffraction efficiencies self.nb_slice = 20 #: flt: such that `scan_dist = min(h_sup, hsub)/scan_dist_ratio` self.scan_dist_ratio = 5 self.space2pml_L, self.space2pml_R = 1.0, 1.0 self.space2pml_T, self.space2pml_B = 1.0, 1.0 #: int: number of x points for postprocessing field maps self.Nix = 100 self.Niy = 100 self.nper = 3 # modal analysis ------------------------------------------------- #: int: number of eigenvalues searched for in modal analysis self.neig = 6 #: flt: wavelength around which to search eigenvalues self.lambda0search = 1 # topology optimization ------------------------ self.adjoint = False self.target_flag = False self.r_target = 0.01 self.x_target = 0 self.y_target = 0 @property def corners_des(self): return -self.hx_des / 2, +self.hx_des / 2, -self.hy_des / 2, +self.hy_des / 2 @property def domX_L(self): return -self.hx_des / 2 - self.space2pml_L @property def domX_R(self): return self.hx_des / 2 + self.space2pml_R @property def domY_B(self): return -self.hy_des / 2 - self.space2pml_B @property def domY_T(self): return self.hy_des / 2 + self.space2pml_T @property def Xn2f_L(self): return self.domX_L * self.rat_n2f @property def Xn2f_R(self): return self.domX_R * self.rat_n2f @property def Yn2f_B(self): return self.domY_B * self.rat_n2f @property def Yn2f_T(self): return self.domY_T * self.rat_n2f @property def theta(self): return np.pi / 180.0 * (self.theta_deg) @property def omega0(self): return 2.0 * np.pi * self.cel / self.lambda0 def _make_param_dict(self): param_dict = super()._make_param_dict() param_dict["ls_flag"] = int(self.ls_flag) param_dict["beam_flag"] = int(self.beam_flag) param_dict["target_flag"] = int(self.target_flag) return param_dict def postpro_fields_box(self): path_T = self.tmppath("field_box_T.out") path_L = self.tmppath("field_box_L.out") path_R = self.tmppath("field_box_R.out") path_B = self.tmppath("field_box_B.out") self.postprocess("postop_fields_box") u_T = femio.load_timetable(path_T) u_R = femio.load_timetable(path_R) u_B = femio.load_timetable(path_B) u_L = femio.load_timetable(path_L) if self.analysis == "modal": u_T = u_T.reshape((self.Nibox_x, self.neig)) u_B = u_B.reshape((self.Nibox_x, self.neig)) u_L = u_L.reshape((self.Nibox_y, self.neig)) u_R = u_R.reshape((self.Nibox_y, self.neig)) return u_T, u_B, u_L, u_R def postpro_fields_n2f(self): self.postprocess("postop_fields_n2f") u_out, vx_out, vy_out = {}, {}, {} for i in ["T", "L", "R", "B"]: u = femio.load_timetable(self.tmppath("field_n2f_{0}.out".format(i))) vx = femio.load_timetable( self.tmppath("field_dual_x_n2f_{0}.out".format(i)) ) vy = femio.load_timetable( self.tmppath("field_dual_y_n2f_{0}.out".format(i)) ) if self.analysis == "modal": if (i == "T") or (i == "B"): n = self.Nin2f_x else: n = self.Nin2f_y u = u.reshape((n, self.neig)) vx = vx.reshape((n, self.neig)) vy = vy.reshape((n, self.neig)) u_out[i] = u vx_out[i] = vx vy_out[i] = vy return u_out, vx_out, vy_out def normalized_scs(self, ff, theta): xi = np.linspace(self.Xn2f_L, self.Xn2f_R, self.Nin2f_x) yi = np.linspace(self.Yn2f_B, self.Yn2f_T, self.Nin2f_y) nu0 = np.sqrt(self.mu0 / self.epsilon0) k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.lambda0 x = {"T": xi, "L": self.Xn2f_L, "R": self.Xn2f_R, "B": xi} y = {"T": self.Yn2f_T, "L": yi, "R": yi, "B": self.Yn2f_B} nx = {"T": 0, "L": -1, "R": 1, "B": 0} ny = {"T": 1, "L": 0, "R": 0, "B": -1} Ez, Hx, Hy = ff Itheta = [] for t in theta: s = np.sin(t) c = -np.cos(t) I = 0 for loc in ["T", "L", "R", "B"]: if (loc == "T") or (loc == "B"): l = xi else: l = yi expo = np.exp(-1j * k0 * (x[loc] * s + y[loc] * c)) J = ( nu0 * (nx[loc] * Hy[loc] - ny[loc] * Hx[loc]) - (ny[loc] * c + nx[loc] * s) * Ez[loc] ) * expo I += np.trapz(J, l) Itheta.append(I) return np.abs(Itheta) ** 2 / (8 * np.pi) def get_field_map(self, name): field = femio.load_table(self.tmppath(name)) return np.flipud(field.reshape((self.Niy, self.Nix))) def get_field_point(self): self.postprocess("postop_field_on_point") u_tot = femio.load_table(self.tmppath("u_tot_point.txt")) u_i = femio.load_table(self.tmppath("u_i_point.txt")) u = femio.load_table(self.tmppath("u_point.txt")) return u, u_tot, u_i def postpro_coupling_angle(self): self._print_progress("Angular sweep for coupling coeffs") self.postprocess("postop_coupling_coeffs_angle") filename = self.tmppath("coupling_coeffs.txt") tmp = femio.load_timetable(filename) return tmp.reshape((self.Ni_theta, self.neig)) def postpro_fourrier_coefs_angle(self): self._print_progress("Fourrier coefficients for coupling") self.postprocess("postop_coupling_coeffs_fourrier_series") filename = self.tmppath("coupling_coeffs_fs.txt") tmp = femio.load_timetable(filename) return tmp.reshape((2 * self.M_fs + 1, self.neig)) def postpro_modal_coupling(self): self._print_progress("QNMs coupling coeffs") self.postprocess("postop_mode_coupling") filename = self.tmppath("mode_coupling.txt") tmp = femio.load_timetable(filename) return tmp # .reshape((self.Ni_theta, self.neig)) def postpro_modal_coupling_int(self): self._print_progress("QNMs coupling coeffs integrand") self.postprocess("postop_mode_coupling_int") mode = femio.load_timetable(self.tmppath("mode_coupling_int.txt")) u1 = np.zeros((self.Nix, self.Niy, self.neig), dtype=complex) u = mode.reshape((self.Niy, self.Nix, self.neig)) for imode in range(self.neig): u1[:, :, imode] = np.flipud(u[:, :, imode]).T return u1 def get_deq_deps(self): if self.pola is "TE": return self._get_qty("dEq_deps.txt") else: return self._get_qty("dEq_deps_x.txt"), self._get_qty("dEq_deps_y.txt")