Source code for

Tools for gmsh/getdp control and input/output.


import meshio
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import shutil
from pyonelab import gmsh, getdp

def make_var_str(varname, varvalue):
    s = varname + " = " + str(varvalue) + ";"
    return s

def append_inputs(str_to_append, data_file):
    f = open(data_file, "a")

def make_inputs(data_dict):
    S = ""
    for key in data_dict:
        s = "\n" + make_var_str(key, data_dict[key])
        S += s
    return S

def write_inputs(string, data_file, close=True):
    f = open(data_file, "w")
    if close:
    return f

def get_content(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        conts =
    return conts

def maketmp(content, filename, dirname="", mode="w"):
    path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
    with open(path, mode) as f:
    return path

[docs]def mesh_model( path_mesh, path_geo, mesh_format="msh2", dim=None, verbose=0, other_option="" ): """Mesh the model using Gmsh_ .. _Gmsh: """ dim = dim or [1, 2] list_dim = ["-{}".format(d) for d in dim] command = [gmsh, "-v", str(verbose), "-format", mesh_format, path_geo] command += list_dim + other_option.split() + ["-o", path_mesh]
def solve_problem(resolution, path_pro, path_mesh, path_pos=None, verbose=0, argstr=""): command = [ getdp, "-v", str(verbose), path_pro, "-pre", resolution, "-msh", path_mesh, ] if path_pos: command += ["-gmshread"] + path_pos.split() command += ["-cal", "-v2"] + argstr.split() def make_content_mesh_pos(nodes, els, dom, celltype): nodes_ID, nodes_coords = nodes els_ID, _, els_nodes_ID, geom_ID_dom = els s = "$MeshFormat\n2.2 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n" nnodes = len(nodes_ID) s += "$Nodes\n" s += str(nnodes) + "\n" for i in range(nnodes): x, y, z = nodes_coords[i] s += str(nodes_ID[i]) + " " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " " + str(z) + "\n" s += "$EndNodes\n" nels = len(els_ID) s += "$Elements\n" s += str(nels) + "\n" for i in range(nels): if celltype is "triangle": s1 = str(2) elif celltype is "quad": s1 = str(3) elif celltype is "tetra": s1 = str(4) s += ( str(els_ID[i]) + " " + s1 + " 2 " + str(dom) + " " + str(geom_ID_dom[i]) + " " ) for j in els_nodes_ID[i]: s += str(j) + " " s += "\n" s += "$EndElements\n" return s def get_nodes(path_mesh, physical_ID, celltype): mesh = phys_ID = mesh.cell_data[celltype]["gmsh:physical"] domain = phys_ID == physical_ID cell = mesh.cells[celltype] els_nodes_ID = cell[domain] nodes_ID_domain = np.unique(els_nodes_ID.flatten()) nodes_coords_domain = mesh.points[nodes_ID_domain] return nodes_ID_domain + 1, nodes_coords_domain def get_elements(path_mesh, physical_ID, celltype): mesh = phys_ID = mesh.cell_data[celltype]["gmsh:physical"] domain = phys_ID == physical_ID n = 1 for k in mesh.cell_data.keys(): if k is celltype: n += 0 else: n += len(mesh.cell_data[k]["gmsh:physical"]) el_ID = np.arange(0, len(domain))[domain] + n cell = mesh.cells[celltype] els_nodes_ID = cell[domain] el_center = np.mean(mesh.points[els_nodes_ID], axis=1) return el_ID, el_center, els_nodes_ID + 1, None def make_pos(ID, data, content_mesh, viewname, celltype="nodes", mesh_format=2): s = content_mesh if not s: if mesh_format == 2: meshversion = "2.2 0 8" else: meshversion = "4.1 0 8" s = "$MeshFormat\n{}\n$EndMeshFormat\n".format(meshversion) N = len(ID) if celltype is "nodes": str_start, str_end = "$NodeData\n", "$EndNodeData\n" elif celltype is "elements": str_start, str_end = "$ElementData\n", "$EndElementData\n" elif celltype is "elements_nodes": str_start, str_end = "$ElementNodeData\n", "$EndElementNodeData\n" else: raise TypeError("Wrong celltype specified: choose between nodes and elements") for dat, name in zip([data.real, data.imag], ["_real", "_imag"]): s += str_start s += '1\n"' + viewname + name + '"\n1\n0\n3\n0\n1\n' + str(N) + "\n" for idf, value in zip(ID, dat): if celltype is "elements_nodes": s += str(int(idf)) + " 3 " + (str(value.real) + " ") * 3 + "\n" else: s += str(int(idf)) + " " + str(value.real) + "\n" s += str_end return s def open_gmsh(path_mesh, path_geo, pos_list=None, verbose=2): pos_list = pos_list or [] command = [gmsh, path_geo, path_mesh] + pos_list + ["-v", str(verbose), "&"] #, shell=True)" ".join(command), shell=True) # os.system(" ".join(command))
[docs]def postpro_commands(postop, path_pro, path_mesh, path_pos=None, verbose=0): """Generate a command list for postprocessing by GetDP (see file in ./base folder for default available postprocessings, or to add your own) Args: postop (str): The name of the postoperation to perform. path_pro (str): Path to the .pro file path_mesh (str): Path to the .msh file path_pos (str , optional): Path to a file to be read by ``gmshread``. verbose (int): verbosity level Defaults to None. Returns: list : The list of strings to be oscommanded. """ path_res = path_pro[:-4] + ".res" s = ( getdp + " -v " + str(verbose) + " " + path_pro + " -res " + path_res + " -msh " + path_mesh ) if path_pos: s += " -gmshread " + path_pos s += " -pos " + postop + " -v2" return s.split()
def load_node_table(filename): nodenumber = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) values = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[1], skiprows=1) + 1j * np.loadtxt( filename, usecols=[2], skiprows=1 ) return nodenumber, values def load_table(filename): return np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[3]) + 1j * np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[4]) # def load_node_table_vect(filename): # nodenumber = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) # values = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[1], skiprows=1) + 1j * np.loadtxt( # filename, usecols=[2], skiprows=1 # ) # return nodenumber, values def load_table_vect(filename): vect = [] for i in range(3): comp = 0 for j in range(2): comp += np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[3 + i + j * 3]) * np.exp( j * 1j * np.pi / 2 ) vect.append(comp) return vect def load_node_table_vect(filename): nodenumber = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) vect = [] for i in range(3): comp = 0 for j in range(2): comp += np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[1 + i + j * 3], skiprows=1) * np.exp( j * 1j * np.pi / 2 ) vect.append(comp) return nodenumber, vect def load_element_table_vect(filename): # nodenumber = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) vect = [] for i in range(3): comp = 0 for j in range(2): comp += np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[1 + i + j * 3], skiprows=1) * np.exp( j * 1j * np.pi / 2 ) vect.append(comp) # return nodenumber, vect return vect def load_timetable(filename): return np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[5]) + 1j * np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[6]) def load_ev_timetable(filename): return np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[1]) + 1j * np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[5]) def points2geo(points, lc_incl, output_path="./tmp.geo", startpoint=1000): x, y = points fout = open(output_path, "w") # lc_name = "%s_lc" % filename[0:3] # Format # Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, lc}; # fout.write("%s = 0.005;\n" % lc_name) j = startpoint n_lines = len(x) for i in range(n_lines): outputline = "Point(%i) = { %8.8f, %8.8f, %8.8f, %s};\n " % ( j, x[i], y[i], 0, lc_incl, ) j = j + 1 fout.write(outputline) # gmsh bspline format # Write out splinefit line fout.write( "BSpline(%i) = {%i:%i};\n" % (startpoint, startpoint, startpoint + n_lines - 1) ) fout.close()