
Articles in international peer-rewied journals

  • M. Touboul, B. Vial, R. Assier, S. Guenneau, and R. Craster, High-Frequency Homogenization for Periodic Dispersive Media. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation:1136--1168, (2024) DOI | URL
  • S. Cominelli, B. Vial, S. Guenneau, and R. Craster, Isospectral open cavities and gratings. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 480 (2290):20230853, (2024) DOI
  • B. Vial, S. Guenneau, and Y. Hao, Topology Optimization of a Thermal Cloak in the Frequency Domain. AIP Advances 13 (8):085111, (2023) DOI
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Open-Source Computational Photonics with Auto Differentiable Topology Optimization. Mathematics 10 (20), (2022) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, T. Whittaker, S. Zhang, W. Whittow, and Y. Hao, Optimization and experimental validation of a bi-focal lens in the microwave domain. AIP Advances 12 (2):025103, (2022) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, High frequency meta-ferroelectrics by inverse design. Opt. Mater. Express 11 (5):1457, (2021) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Enhanced tunability in ferroelectric composites through local field enhancement and the effect of disorder. J. Appl. Phys. 126 (4):044102, (2019) DOI | URL
  • Y. Liu, B. Vial, S. Horsley, T. Philbin, and Y. Hao, Direct manipulation of wave amplitude and phase through inverse design of isotropic media. New J. Phys. 19 (7):073010, (2017) DOI | URL
  • R. Foster, D. Nagarkoti, J. Gao, B. Vial, F. Nicholls, C. Spooner, S. Haq, and Y. Hao, Beam-Steering Performance of Flat Luneburg Lens at 60 GHz for Future Wireless Communications. Int. J. Antenn. Propag. 2017:1-8, (2017) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, M. Torrico, and Y. Hao, Optimized microwave illusion device. Sci Rep 7 (1):3929, (2017) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, Y. Liu, S.A.R. Horsley, T.G. Philbin, and Y. Hao, A class of invisible inhomogeneous media and the control of electromagnetic waves. Phys. Rev. B 94 (24):245119, (2016) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, A coupling model for quasi-normal modes of photonic resonators. J. Opt. 18 (11):115004, (2016) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Topology optimized all-dielectric cloak: Design, performances and modal picture of the invisibility effect. Opt. Express 23 (18):23551, (2015) DOI | URL
  • M. Commandré, B. Vial, S. Tisserand, L. Roux, H. Dallaporta, F. Bedu, G. Demésy, A. Nicolet, and F. Zolla, Design, fabrication and characterization of resonant metamaterial filters for infrared multispectral imaging. Thin Solid Films 592:296-304, (2015) DOI | URL
  • M. Abbarchi, M. Naffouti, B. Vial, A. Benkouider, L. Lermusiaux, L. Favre, A. Ronda, S. Bidault, I. Berbezier, and N. Bonod, Wafer Scale Formation of Monocrystalline Silicon-Based Mie Resonators via Silicon-on-Insulator Dewetting. ACS Nano 8 (11):11181-11190, (2014) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, M. Commandré, G. Demésy, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, F. Bedu, H. Dallaporta, S. Tisserand, and L. Roux, Transmission enhancement through square coaxial aperture arrays in metallic film: When leaky modes filter infrared light for multispectral imaging. Opt. Lett. 39 (16):4723, (2014) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, and M. Commandré, Quasimodal expansion of electromagnetic fields in open two-dimensional structures. Phys. Rev. A 89 (2):023829, (2014) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, G. Demésy, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, M. Commandré, C. Hecquet, T. Begou, S. Tisserand, S. Gautier, and V. Sauget, Resonant metamaterial absorbers for infrared spectral filtering: Quasimodal analysis, design, fabrication, and characterization. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31 (6):1339, (2014) DOI | URL
  • V. Debierre, G. Demésy, T. Durt, A. Nicolet, B. Vial, and F. Zolla, Absorption in quantum electrodynamic cavities in terms of a quantum jump operator. Phys. Rev. A 90 (3):033806, (2014) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, M. Commandré, and S. Tisserand, Adaptive perfectly matched layer for Wood's anomalies in diffraction gratings. Opt. Express 20 (27):28094, (2012) DOI | URL

Contribution to a book chapter

  • T. Antonakakis, F. Baida, A. Belkhir, K. Cherednichenko, S. Cooper, R. Craster, G. Demésy, J. Desanto, G. Granet, B. Gralak, S. Guenneau, D. Maystre, A. Nicolet, B. Stout, F. Zolla, B. Vial, and E. Popov, Gratings: Theory and Numeric Applications. edited by E. Popov, ISBN: 430, (2012) URL

Proceedings of international peer-reviewed conferences

  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Coupled model for the study of effective parameters of ferroelectric metamaterials. In 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation:1-4, Krakov, Poland, (2019) URL
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Tailoring near and Far Electromagnetic Fields Through Optimization. In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, United Kingdom, (2018) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, Y. Liu, S. Horsley, T. Philbin, and Y. Hao, Scattering free graded index profiles and the control of electromagnetic fields. In 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP):361--363, Paris, France, (2017) DOI | URL
  • A. Nicolet, G. Demesy, F. Zolla, and B. Vial, Quasi-modal analysis of segmented waveguides. In 2014 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA):1-4, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, (2014) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, G. Demésy, F. Zolla, and A. Nicolet, 3D FEM Quasimodal Analysis of the Haroche QED Cavity. In Nineteenth COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Budapest, Hungary, (2013)
  • A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, B. Vial, G. Demesy, and M. Commandre, Perfectly matched layers via transformation electromagnetism for the computation of quasi-modes. In 2012 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Cape Town, South Africa, Contributed talk, (2012) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, André Nicolet, Frédéric Zolla, G. Demésy, M. Commandré, and Stéphane Tisserand, Transformation optics PML and quasi-mode analysis: Application to diffraction gratings. In TaCoNa-Photonics 1475 (1):89-91, Bad Honnef, Germany, Contributed talk, (2012) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, M. Commandré, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, and S. Tisserand, Resonances determination in microstructured films embedded in multilayered stacks. In Advances in Optical Thin Films IV, Marseille, France, Poster session, (2011) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, M. Commandré, Frédéric Zolla, André Nicolet, Stéphane Tisserand, and D. Chigrin, Analysis of diffraction gratings via their resonances. In TaCoNa-Photonics 1398 (1):109-111, Bad Honnef, Germany, Contributed talk, (2011) DOI | URL

International peer-reviewed conferences

  • B. Vial, Topology optimization of electromagnetic devices: numerical implementation and applications. In The 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2023), Marseille, France, Invited talk, (2023)
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Auto-differentiable Computational Photonics and its application to optimization. In 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2023), PAris, France, (2023)
  • M. Touboul, B. Vial, R. Assier, S. Guenneau, and R.V. Craster, High-frequency Homogenization of Dispersive Media. In Phononics 2023: 6th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, Topological Phononics, Manchester, UK, (2023)
  • B. Vial, and R.V. Craster, Modeling and optimization of discrete phononic lattices. In Phononics 2023: 6th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, Topological Phononics, Manchester, UK, (2023)
  • B. Vial, Optimizing photonic devices: open-source implementation of auto-differentiable numerical methods. In International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2023), Marseille, France, Invited talk, (2023)
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Effective parameters of ferroelectric-dielectric mixtures. In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Rome, Italy, (2019)
  • L. La, B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Electromagnetic waves control and manipulation by metasurfaces. In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Singapore, (2017)
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Study of graded index metamaterials: Transparency and control of electromagnetic waves. In International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Marseille, France, (2017)
  • B. Vial, Y. Liu, S. Horsley, T. Philbin, and Y. Hao, A class of invisible graded index profiles and the control of electromagnetic waves. In International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Chania, Greece, (2016)
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, A mode coupling model for meta-molecules. In International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Oxford, United Kingdom, (2015)
  • B. Vial, and Y. Hao, Optimization of metamaterials for microwave devices. In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, (2015)
  • F. Bedu, N. Bonod, M. Commandre, B. Demirdjian, C. Henry, A. Karapetyan, I. Ozerov, J. Proust, A. Ranguis, and B. Vial, Nanofabrication of optical structures (filters, resonators and sensors). In 4th National Days On Emerging Technologies in Micronanofabrication, Lyon, France, (2015)
  • B. Vial, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, and G. Demésy, Exact PML and the numerical computation of quasi-modes in electromagnetic open structures. In 2nd Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), Mauritius, Contributed talk, (2014)
  • B. Vial, M. Commandré, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, G. Demésy, and S. Tisserand, Analysis of diffraction gratings via their quasi-modes. In XXII Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC), Pula, Croatia, Contributed talk, (2012)

National conferences and seminars

  • B. Vial, Mathematical modelling and optimization of photonic metamaterials. In British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Bristol, UK, (2023)
  • B. Vial, Topology Optimization of Electromagnetic Metamaterials. In MetaMAT Weekly Seminars, Cassyni, (2022) DOI
  • B. Vial, Auto-differentiable, open-source computational photonics. In CNRS-Imperial Metamaterials conference, London, UK, (2022)
  • B. Vial, G. Demésy, F. Zolla, M. Commandré, and A. Nicolet, Étude des modes à fuites dans les métamatériaux et application au filtrage multispectral dans l'infrarouge. In Seminar, LPN, Marcoussis, France, Contributed talk, (2013)
  • B. Vial, G. Demésy, F. Zolla, M. Commandré, and A. Nicolet, Les modes à fuites en électromagnétisme : Calcul, excitation et applications. In Seminar POEMS team, ENSTA Paritech, Palaiseau, France, Contributed talk, (2013)
  • B. Vial, G. Demésy, F. Zolla, M. Commandré, and A. Nicolet, Analyse quasimodale de structures électromagnétiques périodiques et non-périodiques. In Colloque National Métamatériaux, Orsay, France, Poster session, (2013)
  • F. Zolla, B. Vial, A. Nicolet, B. Guizal, and D. Felbacq, Comment tordre la lumière à sa guise grâce à des métamatériaux. In Colloque National Métamatériaux, Orsay, France, Contributed talk, (2013)
  • B. Vial, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, M. Commandré, and S. Tisserand, Engineering eigenmodes in open microstructured resonators for far infrared filtering applications. In Workshop on Metallic Nano Objects, Saint-Étienne, France, Poster session, (2012)
  • B. Vial, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, M. Commandré, and S. Tisserand, Analyse spectrale de réseaux de diffraction par la méthode des éléments finis : Décomposition modale du champ électromagnétique diffracté. In NUMELEC, Marseille, France, Contributed talk, (2012)
  • B. Vial, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, M. Commandré, and S. Tisserand, Quasimodes in open electromagnetic systems. In Scientific coffee, Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France, (2012)
  • B. Vial, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, M. Commandré, and S. Tisserand, Développement de filtres multi-spectraux dans l'infrarouge à base de structures plasmoniques. In Colloque National Métamatériaux, Orsay, France, Poster session, (2011)

PhD thesis

  • B. Vial, Study of open electromagnetic resonators by modal approach. Application to infrared multispectral filtering. Ecole Centrale Marseille, (2013) URL

Software and codes

  • B. Vial, nannos: Fourier modal method for multilayered metamaterial with automatic differentiation. gitlab, (2021) URL
  • B. Vial, gyptis: Computational Photonics in Python with the finite element method. gitlab, (2020) DOI | URL
  • B. Vial, protis: Plane Wave Expansion method for photonic crystals. gitlab, (2021) URL
  • B. Vial, tdsxtract: Tools for material parameters extraction from THz time domain spectroscopy measurements. github, (2020) URL
  • B. Vial, refidx: Python package to retrieve the refractive index of material from the database. gitlab, (2021) URL
  • B. Vial, coaxtract: Permittivity extraction for multilayer stacks using an open-ended coaxial probe. gitlab, (2021) URL
  • B. Vial, cpwxtract: Tools for extracting material properties from coplanar waveguide measurements. gitlab, (2021) URL

In preparation

  • B. Vial, M. Sabaté, R. Wiltshaw, S. Guenneau, and R. Craster, Platonic quasi-normal modes expansion. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.12042, (2024) DOI | URL